Cat stories

Introducing Bum, also known as “Worried Eyes.” At just four weeks old, he was brought to the shelter and captured everyone’s hearts with his concerned expression. But don’t fret, this tabby cat with crossed eyes has found a loving home already! According to the San Diego Humane Society, Bum is initially cautious around new people, […]

Canada – Meet Phoebie, a small kitty who came into this world with a pair of broken front legs. But after a month, she finally had the opportunity to take her very first steps. This precious feline was brought to Chatons Orphelins Montréal in search of a brighter future. Celine Crom mentioned that Phoebie’s two

As someone who owns a cat, you must have enjoyed watching your little friend’s playful tricks and funny faces. This article will take you on a journey through the amusing universe of mischievous feline expressions and behaviors that make these adorable pranksters so endearing. Brace yourself for a heartwarming adventure filled with laughter, smiles, and

Once upon a time, a compassionate lady took it upon herself to rescue a young feline who was merely three months old and grant him a new lease of life. And thus began the tale of Titus, the cat with a single eye. Upon his initial rescue, Titus was a tiny 14-ounce pup with a

Peter, a furry feline residing in a shelter, was seeking a new family. However, his destiny turned out to be beyond just finding a home. Peter went above and beyond and assisted in the adoption of over 10 cats and dogs. The Genesee County Animal Shelter Dogs and Cats shared photos of the loving ginger

Owning a pet is a big responsibility that requires a lot of effort from the owner to take care of it properly. Since pets are living creatures that depend entirely on their owners, it’s up to them to ensure their pet’s safety and welfare. There was an incident where some citizens rescued a dog that

    The feline didn’t venture too far from her spot, seeking refuge beneath a car that was parked nearby. She was curled up into a tight ball, and her eyes were crusty while her fur was unkempt and unclean. The feline was apprehensive of human interaction, which prompted Isabelle to lay down on the

The tale of the destitute feline, left all alone with a gangrenous limb, showcases the unwavering strength and thankfulness of creatures, despite enduring excruciating pain. Despite being in a difficult situation, the cat maintained a positive attitude by wagging its tail to express gratitude towards those who helped it. Although the injury was severe and

It’s quite alarming to think of feline friends having humongous worms in their nose. Regrettably, this isn’t merely a thought as some cats are prone to contracting parasitic infections that can result in severe health concerns. Getting rid of worms in a cat’s nasal passage is a task that demands careful handling and expertise. This

Caught a helpless crocodile, confused young man went online to ask what to do with it A series of photos that satirize the illusion of England after a painful defeat “You guys are going a bit too far, we’re your joke!” The story of cute cat bosses is always one of the topics that receive special attention from netizens. In addition

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